How to become a star at goal setting

One of the key responsibilities of the Centre Manager is to support the team while motivating and inspiring them to become the best educators possible. It’s imperative that each staff member is given time to formally set goals and that these are being constantly evaluated, worked on and celebrated.

Here are 3 tips on becoming professional goal setting expert: 

  1. Relate them back to the Quality Areas so it’s clear what is being worked on. This will also give the educators a greater confidence in discussing these areas during assessment.

  2. Define how these goals will be achieved. Will the goals will be met through further research and learning such as attending Professional Development session, through practical implementation, or by working with other staff to achieve a common purpose?

  3. Set timeframes and discuss how evidence of work will be collated. Will it be through photographs, written documentation or via discussions at the next review?

Keep the staff motivated by checking in and offering assistance and encouragement. Celebrate when goals are met! Lead by example and talk about centre-wide goals and offer updates at staff meetings.